High performance valves for extreme applications

Discover our Special Valves

There are many critical applications which are challenging to the valve’s ability to provide acceptable duration and performance. Our special products are designed to appropriately handle severe service applications, from acid solutions for corrosive environments or have higher cycle frequencies, high pressure and temperatures.

Rising Stem Ball Valve 

Erreesse Rising stem ball valves are very versatile top entry ball valves deigned to handle extreme temperatures, pressures and severe service applications. Erreesse Rising Stem Ball Valves (RSBV) provide a cleaning action of the ball surface with no friction during opening and closing with a considerable reduced torque.

Dual Expanding plug Valve

The Erreesse DBB Plug Valve has an integrated DBB function with a compact design and few moving parts, resulting in less maintenance, a longer lifetime and much lower operational costs for the end user. Erreesse DBB Plug Valves operate without any friction or contact between seals and seating area while maintaining 100% tight shut-off sealing in both directions.

Pigging Ball Valve

Erreesse Pigging ball valves offers durability, reliability service for oil and gas applications to improve the piping transportation efficiency. Its design allows an easy and safe cleaning operation.                             Erreesse pigging ball valves allow to scrape the pipeline wall, removing the wastes and powder deposit which is the result of corrosion and erosion in the normal use.

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